Ionic Foot Bath

This powerful electronic device helps to detoxify and rejuvenate the entire body via liver, kidneys and skin.  Simply immersing one's feet in an Ionic Foot Bath negative and positive ions emitted by the system invigorate, re-condition, and balance/synchronize the THE BODY'S NATURAL IONIC FLOW.
This jump starts and supports very effectively our body's own detoxification and rejuvenation protocol, often for hours after the foot bath.
Results reported are a feeling of Balance, Well Being, and Invigoration, which might last for several days.
Research reveals optimum results by repeating an Ionic Foot Bath 1-2 times per week for 10-12 consecutive sessions.
I have seen clients being at first curious, then amazed as the water changes during these 30 minute sessions from clear to  lightly colored to even darker shades; the colors of these shades of reddish, brown, greenish and even almost black colors. Of course this detox often intensifies over consecutive sessions and can differ from person to person, depending on which organs detox more readily at the time of treatment.

The Ionic Foot Bath system consists of:

  • Bowl for water
  • Array with stainless steel coil
  • Wrist band
  • Bamboo heating belt

Optional: Cold Laser for Micro stimulation
The process of the Ion Foot Bath is quite safe, BUT not recommended for:

  1. Pregnant woman
  2. People with Pace Makers
  3. People with Organ Transplants